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While there have been many international psychology congresses, the ones in which psychical research featured were those held at London in 1892, at Munich in 1896, at Paris in 1900, and, to a lesser extent, at Rome in 1905. The proceedings of the congresses held between 1892 and 1900 included the following abstracts of papers related to psychical research:

International Congress of Experimental Psychology.
London: Williams & Norgate, 1892.

Marillier, L. “Rapport sur l’enquête statistique sur les hallucinations” (France et pays de langue française) [Report on the statistical inquiry of hallucinations (France and French language countries)], pp. 62-67.

Myers, F. W. H. “Sensory automatism and induced hallucinations,” pp. 162-164.

Sidgwick, H. “Statistical inquiry into hallucinations,” pp. 56-61.

Sidgwick, Mrs. H. [E. M.]. “Experiments in thought-transference,” pp. 168-169.

Dritte Internationaler Congress für Psychologie in München.
München: J. F. Lehman, 1897.

Bager-Sjögren, Dr. “Ist es möglich, durch eine internationale Hallucinationsstatistik einen Beweis zu erbringen für die Exisrenz telepathischer Ein wirkungen?” [Is it possible to prove the existence of telepathic influences through international hallucination statistics?], pp. 394-402.
[I am grateful to Gerd Hövelmann for translating this title.]

Flournoy, T. “Quelques faits d’imagination subliminale chez les mediums” [Some facts about the subliminal imagination in mediums], pp. 419-420.

Sidgwick, Mrs. H. [E. M.]. “On a statistical enquiry into sensory hallucinations experienced while awake by persons in ordinary health,” pp. 390-392.

Sidgwick, Professor [H]. “Experiments in involuntary whispering, and their bearing on alleged cases of thought-transference,” pp. 404-407.

Janet, P. (Ed.). IVe Congrès International de Psychologie.
Paris: Félix Alcan, 1901.

Baraduc, H. “Les vibrations de la force vitale: Le dualisme humain: Application a la thérapeutique des maladies nerveuses” [The vibrations of the vital force: Human duality: Therapeutic application to nervous maladies], pp. 621-623.

Dariex, X. “De diverse expériences sur les mouvements d’objets matérieles provoquées sans contact par une force psychique agissant a distance” [On diverse experiments on induced movement of material objects without contsct by a force acting at a distance], pp. 632-638.

Delanne, G. “La psychologie expérimentale” [Experimental psychology], pp. 610-612.

Denis, L. “Psychologie expérimentale: Phénomènes d’extériorisation et de dédoublement” [Experimental psychology: Phenomena of exteriorization and of doubling], pp. 614-617.

Myers, F. W. H. “On the trance phenomena of Mrs Thompson,” pp. 113-121.

The proceedings of the last two congresses include comments expressing opposition to spiritism and psychical research. Later congresses did not include as many papers on the topic. This seems to be another example of established science separating itself from the study of psychic phenomena.



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