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Examples of Ian Stevenson’s Early Non-Parapsychological Publications
by Carlos S. Alvarado, Ph.D.

Stevenson first published paper was “William Harvey” (McGill Medical Journal, 1941), which illustrated his life-long interest in the history of medicine and ideas. Other early papers include “Life Situations, Emotions, and Bronchial Mucus” (with H. G. Wolff, Psychosomatic Medicine, 1949), “Physical Symptoms during Pleasurable Emotional States” (Psychosomatic Medicine, 1950), and “Comments on the Psychological Effects of Mescaline and Allied Drugs” (Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1957).

In later years he published “Processes of ‘Spontaneous’ Recovery from the Psychoneuroses” (American Journal of Psychiatry, 1961), “A Case of Multiple Personality Illustrating the Transition from Role-playing” (Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1961, third author, with M. H. Congdon and J. Hain), and “Physical Symptoms Occurring with Pleasurable Emotional States” (American Journal of Psychiatry, 1970).

He also wrote about psychiatric interviewing and examination, as evidenced by the following books: The Diagnostic Interview (2nd ed., 1971, first published in 1960 as Medical History-Taking), and The Psychiatric Examination (1969). His eminence in these areas is made plain by the fact that he authored two chapters on these subjects in the American Handbook of Psychiatry (2nd ed., 1974).



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