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Editor and librarian. B. July 30, 1910, Boston, Massachusetts. B.S. (journalism), 1932, Boston University; M.S. (libary science, communications and information), 1952, Columbira University. M, 1950 Florence Adelson: 1 d., 1 s. Feature writer, New York correspondent, book critic, Boston Evening Transcript, 1934-39; assistant editor, North American Review, 1940-42; staff sergeant, U.S. Army, 1942-45; associate editor, Creative Age Press, 1945-46; managing editor, Tomorrow magazine, 1946-51; editor-in-chief, Emerson Books, New York, 1951-52; editor, assistant director, New York University Office of Publications, 1952-53; editor-in-chief, New York University Press, 1953-57; chairman, Evaluation Committee, Adult School of Montclair, New Jersey, 1958-59; book review editor, Tomorrow, 1958-62; readers' adviser, Montclair Public Libary, 1957-60; assistant director, Fair Lawn (N.J.) Public Library, 1960 to present; consultant to Ford Foundation in areas of libraries and university presses, 1961-62.

Mr. Angoff's articles and reviews have appeared in the Boston Evening Transcrip, Boston Herald, New York Post, Library Journal, Medical Economics, Publishers' Weekly, and Bulletin of the College Language Assn. He edited The World Over two volumes on world affairs (1939, 1940) and American Writing Today (1957). In the field of parapsychology his writings includes (for Tomorrow): "The Arrogance of Science" (Summer 1958); "The Literature of Hypnosis (Autumn 1958); "The Psychic Revolution" (Spring 1959); "The Kenneth Roberts Crusade" (Summer 1959); "Yeats' Poetic Sources" (Autumn 1959); and (in the International Journal of Parapsychology: "Exertion of the Unconscious" (Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 1959). Residence: 159 McCosh Road, Upper Monclair, New Jersey; business address: Fair Lawn Free Public Library, 12-56 River Road, Fair Lawn, New Jersey.

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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