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Philosopher, educator. B. 1851, d. 1917, France. Agrégé de philosophie, doctuer ès lettres; lauréat, Institut de France. Dr. Boirac taught as a professor of philosophy and served as inspector and rector of Grenoble Academy and as rector of Dijon Academy. He was winner of the Fanny Emden Prize for his book Psychologie inconnue (Unknown Psychology; 1903), and presided over the Second International Congress of Experimental Psychology (1913). His other works relating to philosophy and psychology include Leçons de morale (Lessons in Ethics) and L'Idée du phénomène (The Idea of the Phenomenon).

Interested in telepathy and hypnosis, Dr. Boirac, for many years an earnest student of parapsychology, emphasized for the importance of methodological research in this field. He wrote numerous articles for Les Annales des Sciences Psychiques and was the auther of the book L'Avenir des Sciences psychiques (The Future of Psychic Sciences; 1917).

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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