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Surgeon, neurologist. B. 1916, Buenos Aires, Argentina; d. Dec. 15, 1957, Buenos Aires. M.D., 1941; Ph.D. (neurology), 1951, University of Cordoba. Dr. Canavesio began a practice as a surgeon in 1942 and as a psychiatrist in 1952. He held various medical, psychiatric and teaching posts, and served as a director of the Parapsychology Section of the National Ministry of Public Health from 1950, and as director of the Encephalographic Department of the Institute for Nervous Diseases from 1951, until his death in 1957 from injuries suffered in an auto accident. For government and medical journals, Dr. Canavesio wrote on such varied subjects as electroencephalography and its applications in socializaed medicine; nacroanalysis; and the organization of public health centers.

An active supporter of parapsychological research in Argentina, Dr. Canavesio in 1946 founded the Aregentine Medical Assn. for Parapsychology and in the same year began publication of the journal Revista Medica de Metapsíquica, of which he was director. His doctoral thesis, "Electroencefalografía en los estados meapsíquicos" ("Electroencephalography in Metaphysical States"), provided the basis for a paper on the same subject delivered by Dr. Canavesio before the First International Conference on Parapsychological Studies in 1953 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. His articles for Revista Medica de Metapsíquica dealt with electroencephalography, hypnosis, spiritualism, mediumship, and the use of statistical methods in parapsychology. From 1956 until his death a year later, he conducted a general course in parapsychology at the Argentine Institute of Parapsychology, of which he was a founding member.

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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