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Librarian. B. July 9, 1909, La Rochelle, France. Licencié ès lettres, 1933, University of Poitiers. M. 1941, Marinette Bruno: 1 d. Mr. Bruno, librarian at the Biblioteèque Nationale, Paris, since 1936, is interested in parapsychologyical phenomena in relation to mystical eperiences and tehniques, especially youga. He is the author of the chapter "Création, contemplation et yoga" in the book Yoga, science de l'homme intégral (1953) and of "Yoga et Training autogène" in the magazine Critique (Aug - Sept. 1960).

Mr. Bruno's publications relating to parpsychology include, in Revue Métapsychique: "La contagion mystique" (concerning the spiritual influence of the "guru"; Jan. - Feb. 1953); "André Breton et la magie quotidenne" ("André Breton and Daily Magic" - concerning surrealism and parapsychology; Jan. - Feb. 1954); in La Tour St. - Jacques: "Yoga et Parapsychologie Expérimentale" (Sept. - Dec. 1956; later summarized in English and published in Proceedings of Four Conferences of Parapsychological Studies, 1957); and the bibliographical chapters "Métapsychique", and "Psychologie du mysticisme," in Manuel de la recherche documentaire en France (1950). Residence: 8, Rue de la Cerisaie, Sèvres (Seine-et-Oise), France; business address: Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France.

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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