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Author, poet, teacher. B. January 10, 1908, Siena, Italy. LL.D., Ph.D. M. Wanda Edner: 1 s. Since 1952, teacher of esthetics and psychology of music, Conservaotry of Music Luigi Cherubini, Florence, Italy. Member: Italian Society for Parapsychology, Accademia Tiberina.

Dr. Cogni, author of several volumes of poetry and essays, is also a playwright and composer. Particulary interested in telepathy, clairvoyance, mediumship and theories of survival of death, his articles in the field of parapsychology include, in the Proceedings of the Congresses of the Italian Society for Parapsychology: "L'inconscio come energia vitale e la metapsichica" ("The Unconscious as Living Energy adn Parapsychology"; 1950); "Eros e Metapsichica" (Erotism and Parapsychology; 1952); "Sulla spiegazione dei fenomen Psi" ("On the Explanation of ESP Phenomena"; 1957); in the periodical Luce e Ombra: "Sulla psicologia degli stati di trance ("On the Psychology of Trance"; 1947); in the Proceedings of the Palermo Congress on Poetry and Philosophy: "Arte e Metapsichica" ("Art and Parapsychology"; 1952); in Tomorrow magazine, the article "The Unity of Nature" in the symposium "How Science Views Survival" (Autumn 1956), reprinted as a chapter n the book Does Man Survive Death? (195) and in the annals of the Italian Society for Parapsychology, "Affinità fra i fenomenl psichici e i fenomen parapsicologici ("Affinity Between Artistic and ESP Phenomena"; 1963). Residence: Via delle Cerchia 21, Siena, Italy.

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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