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Professor of philosophy emeritus; writer; lecturer. B. July 7, 1881, Angoulême, France; U.S. citizen, 1910. B.A., 1908, M.A., 1909, University of Washington; Ph.D., 1912, Harvard University; D. Litt., 1961, Brown University. M. 1921, Mabel Lisle. Instructor philosophy adn psychology, 1912-16, assistant professor, philosophy, 1916-24, associate professor, philosophy, 1924-26, University of Washington; associate professor, 1926-29, professor of philosophy, 1929-58, Brown University; chairman, department of philosophy, 1930-51, acting dean of graduate school, 1947-49, currently professor of philosophy emeritus, Brown University; lecturer, California, Michigan, Cornell, Chicago, Columbia universities' summer school.

President: Asociation for Symbolic Logic, 1936-38; American Philosophical Assn. (Eastern Division), 1939; American Society for Aesthetics, 1945; Philosophy of Science Assn., 1957-60; second vice-president, American Society for Psychical Research, from 1956; chairman, publications commit, ASPR, from 1959; fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Assn. for the Advancement of Science; memeber editorial board: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research,The Personalist, Philosophy of Science.

Dr. Ducasse, interested in all aspects of parapsychology, is particulary concerned with precognition, physical phenomena, mediumship and survival, and with attempts to formulate a theory or theories that would account for the occurrence of parapnormal phenomena. He has formulated a theory that would remove the causal paradox from precognition, and has recently completed a book entitled A Critical Examination of the Belief in a Life After Death. He is also the author of the books Philosophy as a Science; Art, the Critics, and You (1944); Nature, Mind and Death (1951); A Philosophical Scrutiny of Religion (1953).

His lectures and articles in the field of parapsychology iinclude "Paranormal Phenomena, Nature, and Man" (1951); "Is a Life After Death Possible?" (1947); and in Tomorrowmagazine: "Patterns of Survival" (Summer 1953); "Kowning the Future" (Winter 1955); in the Journal of the ASPR: "Some Questions Concerning Physical Phenomena (Jan. 1954); "Physical Phenomena in Psychical Research" (Jan. 1958); "How Good is the Evidence for Survival After Death?" (July 1959); in the Journal of Philosophy: "The Philosophical Importance of "Psychic" Phenomona" (Dec. 9, 1954); in the Journal of Parapsychology "Causality and Parapsychology" (June 1959); and "Broad on the Relevance of Psychical Research to Philosophy," in the book The Philosophy of C.D. Broad (1960). Residence: 48 Aberdeen Road, Riverside 15, Rhode Island; business address: Brown University, Providence 12, R.I.

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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