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Aeronautical engineer. B. 1875, Roscommon, Ireland; d. August 24, 1949, Banbury, England. M. 1928, the Hon. Marion Cecily Twistelton-Wykeham-Fiennes: 1 d., 1 s. Trooper, Imperial Yeomanry (Boer War), 1900; sub-lieutenant Wiltshire Regiment, 1901; attached to British government balloon factory, 1906; member, Royal Engineer Committee, 1907; fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society. Dunne began his aeronautical experiments in 1900 and in 1904 invented the stable, tail-less type of airfoil which bears his name. He built and flew the first British miliary airplane in 1906-07.

Dunne had experienced striking precognitive dreams from early childhood onward, many of them concerning trivial events, but some related to momentous occurrences. In consequence he began recording his dreams daily, writing them down immediately on awakening, and later checking them for precognitive material. In this way Dunne held he had demonstrated that precognitive dreams occur frequently, and that this theory could be verified by anyone who cared to repeat his methods.

On the results of these experiments Dunne based a complicated theory which he termed "serialism" postulating not only that time is a fourth dimension, but that an infinite series of dimensions exist within time itself. The "now" he regarded as existing partly in the past and extending partly into the future. Dunne's publications include An Experiment with Time (1927); The Serial Universe (1934); The New Immortality (1938); Nothing Dies (1940).

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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