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Physician; psychical researcher. B. 1868, Montceau-les-Mines, France; d. July 15, 1924, Warsaw. M.D., Faculty of Medicine, Unveristy of Lyons.

For many years a student of psychic research, Dr. Geley in 1919 gave up his practice as a physician in Annecy to become director of the newly organized Institut Mètapsychique International in Paris, a post he held until his death in an airplane accident in 1924. He has particularly interested in the study of physical mediumship. He investigated the work of the French medium Eva C. and the Polish mediums Kluski and Guzik, and he exposed the Italian Erto as a fraud.

His books include Essai de revue gènèrale et d'interprètation synthètique du spiritisme (Essay of General Review and the Synthetic Interpretation of Spiritualism; 1897); L'Etre subconscient (The Subconscious Being; 1889); La Physiologie dite supranormale et les phénomènes d'idèoplastic (So-Called Supranormal Physiology and the Ideoplastic Phenomena; 1918); De l'inconscient au conscient (From the Unconscious to the Conscious; 1919; Brit. ed., translated by Stanley De Brath, q.v., 1920); L'ectoplasme et la clairvoyance; observations et experiences personnelles (Ectoplasm and Clairvoyance: Personal Experiences and Observations; 1924; Brit. ed., translated by De Brath, 1927).

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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