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PF Bibliography #45
Bibliography of Psychical Research Works
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Charles Richet (1850-1935)

Selected works by Richet

(1884). La suggestion mentale et le calcul des probabilités. Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étrangere, 18, 609–674.

(1886). Un fait de somnambulisme a distance. Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étrangere, 21, 199–200.

(1888). Expériences sur le sommeil a distance. Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étrangere, 25, 435–452.

(1888). Relation de diverses expériences sur la transmission mentale, la lucidité, et autres phénomènes non explicables par les données scientifiques actuelles. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 5, 18–168.

(1889). Further experiments in hypnotic lucidity or clairvoyance. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 6, 66–83.

(1893). Expériences de Milan. Annales des sciences psychiques, 3, 1–31.

(1905). La métapsychique. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 19, 2–49.

(1905). Concerning the phenomenon called materialisation. Annals of Psychical Science, 2, 207–210, 269–289.

(1905). Xenoglossie: L’écriture automatique en langues étrangères. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 19, 162–194.

(1922). Traité de métapsychique. Paris: Félix Alcan.

(1923). Extra-sensorial channels of knowledge and the experimental method. Lancet, 2, 493–497.

(1923). Thirty Years of Psychical Research. New York: Macmillan. (Translation of the second French edition of Traité de métapsychique)

(1924). For and against survival: The difficulty of survival from the scientific point of view. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 34, 107–113.

(1928). Notre sixième sens. Paris: Montaigne.

(nd, ca 1929). Our Sixth Sense. London: Rider. (Translation of Notre sixième sens)

(1931). L’avenir et la prémonition. Paris: Montaigne.

(1933). La grande espérance. Paris: Montaigne.

(1933). Souvenirs d’un physiologiste. Paris: J. Peyronnet.

(1935). Au secours! Paris: J. Peyronnet.

(1935). Nouvelles expériences de lucidité avec Forthuny. Revue métapsychique, No. 2, 122–137.

Works about Richet

Alvarado, C.S. (in press). Note on Charles Richet’s “La Suggestion Mentale et le Calcul des Probabilités” (1884). Journal of Scientific Exploration.

Alvarado, C.S. (2005). A century ago: Charles Richet in 1905. PA eNewsletter, Summer, unpaginated.

Amadou, R. (1957). Charles Richet—His life and work. Tomorrow, 5(5), 66–80.

Carroy, J. (2004). Playing with signatures: The young Charles Richet. In M.S. Micale (Ed.), The Mind of Modernism: Medicine, Psychology, and the Cultural Arts in Europe and America, 1880–1940 (pp. 217–249). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Edelman, N. (2007). Charles Richet, le Nobel qui voulait comprendre se paranormal. Revue du Praticien, 57, 689–693.

Estingoy P. (2003). De la creativite chez le chercher: Un regard transversal sur l–oeuvre de Charles Richet. Histoire des Sciences Medicales, 37, 489–499.

Lewer N. (2006). Charles Richet: medical scientist, innovator, peace thinker and savant. Medicine, Conflict & Survival, 22, 145–158

Magalhaes, S.N. (2007). Charles Richet O Apostolo da Ciencia e o Espiritismo. São Paulo: FEB.

Le Malefan, P. (2002). Richet chasseur de fantômes: L'épisode de la villa Carmen. In B. Bensaude-Vincent & C. Blondel (Eds.), Des savants face à l’occulte 1870–1940. Paris : La Découverte.

Osty, E. (1936). Charles Richet (1850–1935). Revue métapsychique, No. 1, 1–42.

Pierson, J. (1940). Charles Richet (1850–1935): His attitude an influence on psychical research in Europe. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 35, 173–183.

Richet G., & Estingoy, P. (2003). Charles Richet et son temps. Histoire des Sciences Medicales, 37, 501-513.

Schneider W.H. (2001). Charles Richet and the social role of medical men. Journal of Medical Biography, 9, 213-219.

Tabori, P. (1972). Pioneers of the Unseen. New York: Taplinger (pp. 98–132).

Warcollier, R. (1959). Our pioneers: VII. Charles Richet (1850–1935). Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 40, 157–162.

Wolf, S. (1993). Brain, mind and medicine: Charles Richet and the origins of physiological psychology. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. (Not about psychical research)

© 2008 Parapsychology Foundation, Inc.
Prepared by Carlos S. Alvarado, PhD



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