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Franciscan priest, professor of theology. B. November 2, 1919, Molbergen (Oldenburg), Germany. D. Th., Antonianum University, Rome. Father Kloppenburg has been specializing in the study of spiritism and other forms of worship in Brazil for the past several years. He is author of several books, among them De Relatione inter Peccatum et Mortem (The Relationship Between Sin and Death; 1951); Nossas Superstiçoes (Our Superstitions; 1959); O Espiritismo no Brasil (Spiritism in Brazil; 1960); O Reencarnacionismo no Brasil (Reincarnationism in Brazil; 1961); A Maçonaria no Brasil (Masonry in Brazil; 4th ed., 1961); and a series of pamphlets, including "As Sociedades Teosoficas" ("The Theosophical Societies"; 1959); "O Rusacrucianismo no Brasil" ("The Rosicrucian Society in Brazil"; 1959); "Astrologia, Quiromancia e Quejandos" ("Astrology, Chiromancy and the Like"; 1960). He is also editor and a contributor of articles on theology to Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira. Address: Caixa Postal 23, Petropolis, R. J., Brazil.

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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