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Physician; specialist in industrial medicine. B. June 26, 1921, Paris. Licencié (philosophy), 1943, University of Grenoble; M.D., 1951, Medical School, Univeristy of Paris; diploma, 1955, industrial hygiene and industrial medicine, University of Paris. M. 1949, Edda Ritzhaupt: 3 d., 1 s. Biological research assistant, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, 1948-51; specialist in industrial medicine, 1951 to present, and chief physician, 1958 to present, Industries Group of the Eastern Parisian Region (GIREP); specialist in industrial medicine, French Ministry of Justice social services, 1953 to present; professor of hygiene and safety, Ecole Normale Sociale, Paris, 1961 to present. Council member, Institute Métapsychique International.

Dr. Larcher is author of numerous articles on industrial medicine for the GIREP information bulletin and a contributor to the journal Medica. Particularly interested in paranormal psychophysiology, pathogenesis and paranormal cures, and the relationship between parapsychology, psychic research and mysticism, he has conducted investigations inot the physiological elements in the preservation of the human body, including the biological phenomena of metamorphosis and survival. Dr. Larcher also participates in the studies of levitation and psychokinesis (apparent influence of the mind on objects without known physical cause) sponsored by the Committee for the Study of Paradynamic Phenomena of the Institut Métapsychique. He is author of the book Le sang peut-il vaincre la mort? and the editor of the collection Aux frontierès de la science (1957).

Some of his many articles and papers relating to parapsychology include "Prodiges sanguins apreès la mort" ("Wonders of the Blood after Death"; Revue Métapsychique, Sept. - Oct. 1953, Nov. - Dec. 1953); "Trois cas extraordinaires d'incorruption de la chair" ("Three Remarkable Cases of Lack of Decay of the Flesh"; Revue Métapsychique, Mar. - Apr. 1954); "Toward a Science of Healing" (Proceedings of Four Conference on Parapsychological Studies, 1957); "Perspectives parapsychocimiques: La Drogue" (Parapsychochemcial Outlook: Narcotics; La Tour St. Jacques, No. 1, 1960); and a continuing series of articles, three of which have been published, titled "Parapsychochimie de la divination" ("The Parapsychochemistry of Divination"; Revue Métapsychique, 1958-61). Residence: 65, Rue Raynouard, Paris 16, France; business address: G.I.R.E.P., 5, Avenue Paul Langevin, Montreuil-sous-Bois (Seine), France; or Ministére de la Justice, 13, Place Vendôme, Paris 1.

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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