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Business and tax consultant; parapyschology professor, author, editor. B. June 9, 1917, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Doctor of Economic Sciences, 1944, School of Economic Sciences, Buenos Aires University. M. 1940, Elvira Germana Canales: 2 s. Professor of parapsychology an psychostatisics (required courses for psychology doctorate), School of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences, National Littoral University, Rosario, Argentina, 1959 to present; lecturer, parapsychology, National University of the South, Bahia Blanca, Argentina, 1957, and Argentine Institute of Parapsychology, 1956 to present; member: College of Economic Science Graduates; Society for Psychical Research, London; consultant, Parapsychology Foundation; director Biblioteca de Parapsicología (Parapsychology Publications); director and editor, Revista de Parapsicología (Parapsychology Review).

Dr. Musso is at present engaged in testing extrasensory perception by statistical methods. He is author of the book En los Límites de la Piscología: Desde el Espiritismo hasta la Parapsicología (On the Frontiers of Psychology: From Spiritualism to Parapsychology; 1954); the pamphlets "Breve Introducción a la Parapsicología" ("Short Introduction to Parapsychology," 1954); "Los Tests de Parapsicología" ("Parapsychological Tests"; 1960); and "Tentativa de Control de la ESP por Procedimientos Estadísticos" ("Attempt to Test ESP through Statistical Procedures"; 1960), all published by the Argentine Institute of Parapsycology. His articles include, in Revista de Parapsicología: "Las Etapas del Proceso de ESP" ("The Stages of the ESP Process"; No. 3, 1955); "La Posesion Espirital: Cuestión Cerrada?" ("Spirit Possession: A Closed Question?"; No. 4, 1955); "Insulto pero Opertunidad: Replica a Price" ("Insult but Opportunity: A Reply to Price"; Nos. 1 & 2, 1956); "Experimentos con Mediums Parpsicologico in Argentina" ("The Parapsychology Movement in Argentina"; 1956); in Revista de Educación, publication of the Argentine Ministry of Education: "La Percepción Extrasensorial" ("Extrasensory Perception"; Jan. 1957). Residence and business address: Virrey Cevellos 1766, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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