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(Order of Dominicans). B. October 12, 1895, Tourcoing (Nord), France. D. Theol., 1922, Le Saulchoir (Université Française des Dominicains); Ph.D., 1924, Dominican University, Rome. Professor, International Dominican University, Rome, 1922-40. National (French) and international chaplain, Catholic Writers and Journalists, 1942 to present. Member: French Assn. for Metapsychical Studies; Society of Friends of the Institut Métapsychique International; Academy of Social Education and Mutual Aid.

Father Omez has specialized in the study of the subconscious mind, psychological automatism, and telepathy. He is the author of many books and articles on religious subjects, includind his doctoral thesis, "The Plantonic Notion of Xora. His books related to parapsychology include the five-volume work Le Subconscient (The Subconscious Mind): Vol. 1, Sciences Psychiques et Morale Catholique (Psychic Sciences and Catholic Morality; 1949); Vol. II, Metapsychique et Merveilleux religieux (Metapsychics and the Religous Supernatural; 1950); Vol. III, Le Subconscient destructeur ou serviteur du Moi? (The Subconscious: Destroyer or Servant of the Ego?; 1951); Vol. IV, Présence de nos morts (Our Dead Are With Us; 1952); Vol. V, Subconscient et Liberté; (The Subconscious and Freedom; 1953); and Etudes sur le subconscient (Studies of the Subconscious; 1954); Peut-on communiquer avec les morts?, (Can We Communicate with the Dead?; 1955; Italian ed., 1956; German, Portuguese eds., 1957); Supranormal ou surnatural? (Supranormal or Supernatural?; 1956, 1959; Spanish ed., 1958); Religione E Scienze Metapsichiche (Religion and the Metapsychical Sciences; 1957); Psychical Phenomena (Amer. ed., 1958; Brit. ed., 1959); Médecine et Merveilleux (Medicine and the Supernatural; 1959); Le Gouvernement Divin: Coopération des hommes et des esprits (God's Rule: Cooperation of Men and Spirits; 1959); Le monde des ressuscités (The World after Resurrection; 1961); Jeunesse eternelle (Everlasting Youth; 1962); L'Occultisme deant la science (Occultism and Science; 1963). Father Omez' articles on various aspects of parapsychology have appeared in such periodicals as Revue Métapsychique, Schweizer Rundschau, Présences, La Tour Saint Jacques, Tomorrow, and the International Journal of Parapsychology. Residence: 222 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris 8, France.

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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