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Parapsychologist. B. August 31, 1910, Winston-Salen, North Carolina; d. November 3, 1979 Charlottesville, VA. B.A., 1931, M.A., 1933, Ph.D., 1936, Duke University. M. 1936, Nellie Ruth Pratt: 1 d., 3 s. Research associate, assistant director, Parapsychology Laboratory, Duke University, 1937-41, 1946 to present: war industry; U.S. Navy Personnel Research, Washington, D.C., 1942-46. President, Parapsychology Assn., 1960; council member, 1959-62; member: Amercan Psychological Assn.; Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology; American Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Phi Beta Kappa. Member editorial staff, Journal of Parapsychology.

Dr. Paratt is a frequent contributor of articles dealing with psychology and biology to such magazines as Journal of Comparative Psychology, Journal of Experimental Biology, Science, and American Naturalist, as author and as co-author with T. L. McCulloch, R. H. Thouless (q.v.) and other. Although he interested in the field of parapsychology as a whole, he has specialized in quantitative experiment in extrasensory perception. His investigations have included the Pearce-Pratt series (with Hubert E. Pearce, Jr.) and the Pratt-Woodruff series (with J. L. Woodruff, q.v.), primarily concerned with attempts to throw light on the factors influencing ESP as a reponse process, and approached from the view of subjec-centered factors, experimenter-centered factors, and those related to the structure of the test as a psychological situation.

His more than 50 publications in the field of parapsychology include the books Handbook for Testing Extrasensory Perception (with C.E. Stuart, q.v.; 1937); Extrasensory Perception After Sixty Years (with J. B. Rhine, Stuart, B. M. Smith, J. A. Greenwood, qq.v.; 1940); Parapsychology: Frontier Science of the Mind (with J. B. Rhine, 1957); the articles (in Journal of Parapsychology): "Size of Stimulus Symbols in Extrasensory Perception" (with Woodruff; Vol. 3, 1939); "Appraising Verbal Test Material in Parapsychology" (with W. R. Birge, Vol. 12, 1948); "The Homing Problem in Pigeons" (Vol. 17, 1953); "A Review of the Pearce-Pratt Distance Series of ESP Test" (with Rhine; Vol. 18, 1954); and in the Ciba Foundation Symposium on Extrasensory Perception (1956), "Testing for an ESP Factor in Pigeon Homing."

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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