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Officer, French Army; writer. B. May 20, 1837, d., 1914. Served as attaché to the French General Staff during the Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71; retired as major. Administrator, Ecole Polytechniqe, Paris, 1888. Member, editoral board, Annales des Sciences Psychiques. Author: La Science dans l'Antiquité (Science in Antiquity; 1882); Les Sentiments, las musique et le geste (Feelings, Music and Gesture; 1900); Les Frontières de la science (Frontiers of Science; 1902); La Suspension de la Vie (Suspension of Life; 1913).

Mr. de Rochas used experimental methods to study hypnotism, magnetism and the physical phenomena of mediumship. Interested as well in reincarnation, he attempted, although unsuccessfully, to prove its existence through research. His books on parapsychological subjects La Science des philosophes et l'art des thaumaturges dans l'Antiquitè (The Science of Philsophers and the Art of the Miracle-Workers in Anitquity; 1882); Les Forces non définies (Undefined Forces; 1887); Le Fluide des magnétiseurs (The Fluid of the Magnetists; 1891); Le Etats suprficiels de l'hypnose (The Superficial States of Hypnosis; 1893); L'Extériorisation de la sensibilité (The Outward Manifestation of Sensitivity; 1895); Les Etats profonds de l'hypnose (Deep Hypnotic States; 1896); Les Effluves odiques (Odic Emanations; 1896); La Lévitation (Levitation; 1897); Les Vies successives (Successive Lives; 1911).

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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