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(Mrs. William Henry Salter), vice president, Society for Psychical Research, London, 1953-57; member of Council, 1921-57; assistant research officer, 1910-16, research officer, 1916-21; editor Journal, 1921-29. Proceedings, 1921-46 and 1948-54. B. July 4, 1883, Cambridge, England; d. Apr. 22, 1959, Saffron Waldon, Essex, England. Scholarship to Newnham College, Cambridge, 1902-06; M.A., Cambridge. M. 1915, William Henry Salter (q.v.): 1 d, 1 s.

Like her mother, Mrs. A. W. Verrall (q.v.), Mrs. Salter developed the faculty of automatic writing, and some of the scripts produced by her formed an important part of the famous "cross-correspondences," n which communications purporting to emanate from fellow researchers who had recently died were received. Individually meaningless, the scripts when pieced together appeared to indicate that purposeful intelligences were originating them, and they have been widely cited as evidence in support of the survival hypthesis.

Mrs. Salter also took part in a number of experiments in telepathy, and was one of the subjects in the word-association tests carried out by Whately Carington (q.v.). Her articles included, in the SPR Proceedings: "Some Experiments with a New Automatist" (1918); A Further Report on Sittings with Mrs. Leonard" (1921); "Some Incidents Occuring at Sittings with Mrs. Leonard, Which May Throw Light on the Modus Operandi" (1930); "The History of George Valiantine" (1931); in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research: "Some Observations on Scripts of the SPR Group of Automatists" (1951) and "Evidence for Telepathy" (1951). Mrs. Salter also gave the eighth Myers Memorial Lecture (1945) entitled "Psychical Research: Where Do We Stand?"

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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