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Ophtalmologist, parapsychologist. B. April 3, 1879, Hohenmölen-Leipzig, Germany; d. April 24, 1961, Vierhöfen, Germany. M.D., 1903, University of Rostock. M. 1941, Anna Metzger (d. 1956). Member, Deutscher Schriftstellerverband,; corresponding member, Society for Psychical Research, London; honorary member, Homöopathischer Zentralverein. Dr. Tischner served as opthalmologist on the staffs of hospitals in Berlin, Freiburg, Munich, Vienna and Paris; from 1913 to 1949 was in private practice for diseases of the eye in Munich; and studied and wrote also in the field of homeopathy.

From 1949 until his death, Dr. Tischner devoted himself to experimentation and writing in parapsychology, an area that first engaged his interest in 1911 when he took part in experimentss in clairvoyance with Waldemar von Wasielewski. Like Walter Franklin Prince, Eugene Osty and W.H. Salter (qq.v.), Dr. Tischner belonged to the generation of investigations that bridged the so-called "golden age" of psychic research typified by American, British and French pioneers, and the era of parapsychology, represented by Dr. J. B. Rhine and the experiments of today.

One of the first to recognized the problem of separating telepathy and clairvoyance in testing. Dr. Tischner in his book Ueber Telepathie und Hellsehen (1919; Amer. ed., 1925) reported his own experiments in this field. He translated much of Rhine's work into German, and used Rhine's methods in experimenting. The term "extrasensory perception" appeared in his works long before Rhine began his experiments.

Dr. Tischner's books include Einfuhrung in den Okkultismus (Introduction to Occultism; 1921); Monismus und Okkultismus (Monism and Occultism; 1921); Geschichte der Okkultistischen Forschung (History of Occult Research, 1924); Der Okkultismus als Natur- und Giesteswissenschaft (Occultism as Natural and Philosophical Science, 1926); Ergebnie Okkulter Forschung (Results of Occult Research; 1950); and Geschichte der Parapsychologie (History of Parapsychology; 1960), which has been called unique in its breadth and depth of treatment.

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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