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Writer, editor. B. November 12, 1862, Turin, Italy; d. July 18, 1938, Paris, France. Editor, Revista di Studi Psichici, Italian journal of psychic research, 1898; Paris correspondence for the Italian newspaper La Stampa, 1899-1904; editor, Annales des Sciences Psychiques (Paris), 1904-29. Secretary-general, Sociétédes Amis de l'Institut Mètapsychique International (Paris), 1934-38.

Mr. de Vesme investigatioin physical mediumship, painstakingly documented his observations, and wrote extensively in the field of parapsychology, contributing numerous articles to Annales des Sciences Psychiques, Psychica, and Revue Metapsychique. He also translated into French many of the articles and books of the Italian spiritualist Ernest Bozzano (q.v.), and wrote several books of his own, including Histoire du Spiritisme (History of Spiritualism; 1896); Histoire du Spiritualisme experimental (History of Experimental Spiritualism, 1928; awarded a prize, 1929, by the Paris Acadèmie des Sciences); Le Merveilleux dans les jeux du hasard (The Supernatural in Games of Chance; 1929).

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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