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Assistant professor, philosophy. B. February 29, 1924, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. B.S., 1947, M.A., 1949, University of New Brunswick; Ph.D. (philosophy), 1957, University of Toronto. M. 1943, Margeurite Gallant (later divorced): 1 d., 1 s.

Research assistant, physiology, University of Toronto, 1949-50; sessional lecturer in philosophy, University of New Brunswick, 1951-52; Ford Intern, philosophy and biology, Brown University, 1954-55; visiting assistant professor in philosophy, University of Alabama, 1955-56; lecturer, assistant professor of philosophy, University of Toronto, 1956 to present. Member, American Assn. of Univerity Professors, American Philosophical Assn.; associate member, Parapsychological Assn. Governor-General's Gold Medal, 1947; Beaverbrook Overseas Scholarship, University of London, 1950-51; partial fellowhship, Humanities Research Council of Canada, 1954.

A contributor to the magazines Analysis, Canadian Forum, the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, the International Journal of Parapsychology adn others, Dr. Wheatley is particularly interested in the philosophy of parapsychology, the survival issue, and quantitative research in extrasensory perception. At present he is concerned with epistemological aspects of psi and is carrying out exploratory tests in psychokinesis. Earlier he took part with Dr. Karlis Osis (q.v.) in an exploratory study among college students of clairvoyance scores in card reading, testing whether a subject's knowlege of the location of the targets or the identity of the experimenter affects performance. Residence: 140 Wellesley East, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada; business address: Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto, Toronto 5.

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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