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Parapsychology and Anomalistic Psychology: Research and Education

A Free Open Online Course
in Parapsychology
from January 5th
through February 14th, 2015
Still Time to Register!
Carlos S. Alvarado, Ph.D. & Nancy L. Zingrone, Ph.D.
Research Fellows, Parapsychology Foundation
PF Lyceum Blog #37
Posted January 4th, 2015
In a recent blog elsewhere one of us wrote about the free Parapsychology MOOC (Massively Open Online Course) we are organizing that starts in just four days, on Monday, January 5th, and continues through Saturday, February 14th. This course consists of more than 20 live classes by guest speakers who have graciously donated their time and effort for this pioneering education effort in parapsychology. The Parapsychology Foundation will be issuing the Certificates of Completion to students who wish to obtain them.
We have around 35 events in total including: the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, four WizIQ discussion sessions, the first Second Life Discussion session that starts out on WizIQ and ends up at The AZIRE Learning Center in the virtual world Second Life, followed by one or two additional discussion forums and other meetings in the virtual world, two live WizIQ sessions on completing a certificate for the course (one early to introduce the idea, one late in the course to make sure the folks who want to obtain the certificate can make sure they know what to do), Carlos’ Introduction to the Scientific Study of Psychic Phenomena overview, Nancy’s Geographical overview of research locations, and 26 guest lectures. There are more or two still to add (guest lectures) and a few other presenters who are still working on titles.
So there will be many real-time lectures, a discussion forum, or a class meeting, six days a week from Monday, January 5th, 2015 through Saturday, February 14th. No class activities will take place on Sundays during the course. (Because we’ll need at least one day a week off.)
As of today we have 546 learners. In addition there are 11 lecturers who have also signed up, so that’s 557 in total.
Of the 545 attendees who listed their countries the top 10 spots for most enrollees are: USA (226), India (93), the UK (45), Canada (36), France (14), Brazil (12), Austria and the Netherlands tied for the eighth spot with 9 each, and Greece and Italy tied for the 10th spot with 7 each. From there on down, Germany has 6 registrants, Puerto Rico 5, Argentina, Finland and South Africa are tied with 4 each, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal and Sweden are tied with 3 each, and 7 countries have 2 registrants each (Belgium, Ireland, Malta, Norway, Poland, Spain, and Switzerland). The twenty remaining countries have a single registrant each (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hong Kong, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, the Ukraine, Venezuela, Viet Nam, and Zambia).
Of the 385 people who listed their city, twelve cities had more than three registrants: New Delhi/Delhi (14), Mumbai (11), London (9), Bangalore and San Francisco (8 each), Maharashtra and Vienna (5 each), and Chennai, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, and Sao Paulo (4 each).
Among the cities with three registrations each were three in the US (Ann Arbor, Newark, and Orlando), two were in Canada (Ottawa and Toronto), then Bristol in the UK, Buenos Aires in Argentina, Lisbon in Portugal, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. 30 cities had 2 enrollees each from Anchorage, Alaska in the USA to Sydney, Australia and the rest had 1 enrollee each, from Acapulco de Juarez in Mexico to Zurich in Switzerland. It's been wonderful seeing such cities as Nicosia, Amman, Bangalore, Bucharest, Marseilles, Moscow, Paris, Rome and Wroclaw on the list. And we're learning place names we've never heard before like Guateng and Woolloongabba.
We could not be more excited about bringing in such an international group to the course. Of course with so many time zones not everyone will be able to attend the class events in real time, but the recordings will be there, and several live classes have already been scheduled to accommodate our large contingent from India, and additional times for discussion sessions will be laid on as we get started to accommodate as many people as possible.
Here is the most recent schedule, which may change slightly:
- Monday, January 5th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Opening Ceremonies, Drs. Carlos S. Alvarado & Nancy L. Zingrone (The AZIRE & Parapsychology Foundation, USA)
- Tuesday, January 6th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Overview: Introduction to the Scientific Study of Psychic Phenomena, Dr. Carlos S. Alvarado & Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone (The AZIRE & Parapsychology Foundaton, USA)
- Wednesday, January 7th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Clinical and Counseling Aspects of Psychic Phenomena, Dr. Alejandro Parra (Interamerican Open University & the Institute for Paranormal Psychology, Argentina)
- Thursday, January 8th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Paranormal Healing Studies: Research, Practice, and Life Lessons, Dr. Daniel Benor (Wholistic Healing Research, Canada)
- Friday, January 9th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Completing a Certificate for Parapsychology and Anomalisitic Psychology, Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone (The AZIRE & Parapsychology Foundation, USA)
- Saturday, January 10th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, The Multiphasic Model of Precognition, Dr. Edwin C. May (Laboratories for Fundamental Research, USA)
- Monday, January 12th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Dissociation, Identity and Belief: Results from a Multi-Methods Study with Mediums, Atheists, and Others in Brazil, Dr. Everton de Oliviera Maraldi (University of Guarulhos, Brazil)
- Tuesday, January 13th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Modern Parapsychology: A Geographic View, Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone (The AZIRE & Parapsychology Foundation, USA)
- Thursday, January 15th, 2pm Eastern, The Role of Creativity in Psi Research, Dr. Kathy Dalton (Parapsychology Foundation, USA)
- Friday, January 16th, 2pm Eastern, Second Life Discussion Forum (Starts in WizIQ, ends in Second Life), Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone (The AZIRE & Parapsychology Foundation, USA)
- Saturday, January 17th, 2pm Eastern, WizIQ Discussion Forum, Drs. Carlos S. Alvarado & Nancy L. Zingrone (The AZIRE & Parapsychology Foundation, USA)
- Monday, January 19th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Perceptions of a Paranormal Subject, Joe McMoneagle, USA)
- Tuesday, January 20th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, What About Global Consciousness?, Dr. Roger Nelson (Global Consciousness Project, USA)
- Wednesday, January 21st, 2015, 11:30am Eastern, Yoga, Siddhis and Psi: Experimental Considerations and Implications, Dr. Sonali Marwaha (Laboratories for Fundamental Research, India)
- Thursday, January 22nd, 2015, 2pm Eastern, WizIQ Discussion Forum (and later in the Second Life Discussion Forum), Drs. Carlos S. Alvarado & Nancy L. Zingrone (The AZIRE & Parapsychology Foundation, USA)
- January 23rd, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Presentiment: An Anomalous Anticipation of Random Future Events, Dr. Thomas Rabeyron (University of Nantes, France)
- Saturday, January 24th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Supernormal: Science, Yoga and Psi, Dr. Dean Radin (Institute for Noetic Sciences, USA)
- Monday, January 26th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Applied Precognition Research can Bridge the Gap between Skeptics and Proponents, Dr. Michael Franklin (Theoretical and Applied Neuro-Causality Laboratories, USA)
- Wednesday, January 28th, 2015, Noon Eastern, Will an Evolutionary Perspective Help Us Understand How Extrasensory Perception Works?, Dr. Richard S. Broughton (Intuition Laboratories & University of Northampton, England)
- Thursday, January 29th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Qualitative Study of Mediumship, Dr. Chris Roe (University of Northampton, England)
- Friday, January 20th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, WizIQ Discussion and Second Life Discussion Forums, Drs. Carlos S. Alvarado & Nancy L. Zingrone (The AZIRE & Parapsychology Foundation, USA)
- Saturday, January 31st, 2015, 2pm Eastern, We are All Experiencers, Cherylee Black (Canada)
- Monday, February 2nd, 2015, Noon Eastern, Implications of Mediumship for the Mind-Brain Relationship, Dr. Alexander Moreira-Almeida (Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil)
- Tueday, Feburary 3rd, 2015, Noon Eastern, Beyond the Brain Exploring the Neuropsychological Correlates of ESP, Bryan Williams (Psychical Research Foundation, USA)
- Wednesday, February 4th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Completing the Course Certificate Revisted, Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone (The AZIRE & Parapsychology Foundation, USA)
- Friday, February 6th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, What the Study of Religion has to Offer Parapsychology, Dr. Jeffrey Kripal (Rice University, USA)
- Saturday, February 7th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Remote Viewing: Antecedents, Conditions, People, Protocols, Applications, Dr. Paul H. Smith
- Monday, February 9th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Dr. Peter Bancel (France), title to come
- Tuesday, February 10th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Psi-Related Experiences in Daily Life and Their Relationship to Beliefs, Attitudes and Subjective Well-Being: A Brazilian Survey, Dr. Fátima Regina Machado (InterPsi, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
- Wednesday, February 11th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Exploring Psi Training, Dr. Fabio da Silva (University of São Paulo, Brazil),
- Thursday, February 12th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, The Challenge of Macro-PK, Dr. Stephen E. Braude (University of Maryland-Baltimore County, USA)
- Friday, February 13th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Anomalistic Psychology and Psychopathology, Dr. Etzel Cardeña (Lund University, Sweden)
- Saturday, February 14th, 2015, 2pm Eastern, Closing Ceremonies, Drs. Carlos S. Alvarado & Nancy L. Zingrone (The AZIRE & Parapsychology Foundation, USA)
There are also various poster sessions that can be viewed at any time by clicking on the title in the Course Schedule when you are registered for the course.
The following are the posters scheduled so far, but we hope to have a few more:
- Parapsychology: A Selected Bibliography in English
- The Parapsychology Foundation: Yesterday and Today (prepared by Lisette Coly)
- Animal Magnetism and Psychic Phenomena: The Neo-Mesmeric Movement (prepared by Dr. Carlos S. Alvarado)
- Robert Van de Castle: Dream Researcher and Parapsychologist (prepared by Dr. Carlos S. Alvarado)
- Pulse Rates as a Physiological Index of ESP: The Nineteenth-Century Explorations of John E. Purdon (prepared by Dr. Carlos S. Alvarado)
- Charles Honorton and Parapsychology (prepared by Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone)
- Exceptional Human Experiences as Counseling and Research Topic(prepared by Eberhard Bauer and Dr. Wolfgang Fach)
- The Mediumship of Leonora Piper (prepared by Dr. Philip Morse)
- Current Trends in Parapsychology in Italy (prepared by Dr. Massimo Biondi)
- Psi and Death of the Person-Target: An Experiment with Highly Emotional Iconic Representations (prepared by Dr. Alejandro Parra and Dr. Juan Carlos Argibay)
- Understanding Ghost Hunting (prepared by Dr. Leo Ruickbie)
- The Academic Consolidation of Anomalistic Psychology in Brazil (prepared by Vanessa Corredato and Dr. Wellington Zangari)
There is still time to register (for free), so we hope to have more persons attending the lectures. To register click here and then click on “enroll.”
Remember that if you cannot attend in “real time” you can always see the recordings later. Class materials will be available for many months to come on and on the Parapsychology Online YouTube Channel. |