With the foundation’s commitment to education already well established through its publishing, conference and scholarly award programs, the time has come to address that demand and establish an arm of the PF devoted solely to pedagogical pursuits.
The Parapsychology Foundation Lyceum will afford student and teacher alike the benefit of the Foundation's unique position within the science of parapsychology, allowing us to draw upon our knowledge of the latest developments in the field, our close association with scholars actively engaged in parapsychological studies, and our appreciation and knowledge of the field's rich and varied history.
Parapsychology Foundation Lyceum will be a vital and ever-growing resource available to students of psychical research world wide.
Lyceum courses, forums, lectures and seminars will be crafted not only to delve into the mysteries raised by psychical research, but to provide the tools to concretely continue the study of the psychic elements in life. Click here for the Site Index for PF Lyceum or  |