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Selected Lists of Charles T. Tart’s Publications About Consciousness


Altered States of Consciousness: A Book of Readings. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1969 (Editor and Contributor).

On Being Stoned: A Psychological Study of Marijuana Intoxication. Palo Alto, California: Science and Behavior Books, 1971. Print-on-demand edition from Authors Guild back-in-print editions at, 2001.

Transpersonal Psychologies. New York: Harper & Row, 1975 (Editor and Contributor).

States of Consciousness. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1975. Print-on-demand edition from Authors Guild back-in-print editions at, 2001.

Waking Up: Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential. Boston: New Science Library, 1986. Print-on-demand edition from Authors Guild back-in-print editions at, 2001.

Body Mind and Spirit: Exploring the Parapsychology of Spirituality. Charlottesville, Virginia: Hampton Roads, 1997. (Editor and Contributor).

The End of Materialism: How Evidence of the Paranormal is Bringing Science and Spirit Together. Oakland, California: New Harbinger, 2009.


Smith A. & Tart, C. (1998). Cosmic consciousness experience and psychedelic experiences: A first person comparison. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 5(1), 97–107.

Tart, C. (1965). The hypnotic dream: Methodological problems and a review of the literature. Psychological Bulletin, 63, 87–99.

Tart, C. (1965). Toward the experimental control of dreaming: A review of the literature. Psychological Bulletin, 64, 81–92.

Tart, C. (1968). Hypnosis, psychedelics, and psi: Conceptual models. In R. Cavanna & M. Ullman (Eds.), Psi and Altered States of Consciousness (pp. 24–41). New York: Parapsychology Foundation.

Tart, C. (1970). Self-report scales of hypnotic depth. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 18, 105–125.

Tart, C., & Dick, L. (1970). Conscious control of dreaming: 1. The posthypnotic dream. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 76, 304–315.

Tart, C. (1970). Marijuana intoxication: Common experiences. Nature, 226, 701–704.

Tart, C. (1972). States of consciousness and state-specific sciences. Science, 176, 1203–1210.

Tart, C.(1976). The basic nature of altered states of consciousness: A systems approach. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 8(1), 45–64.

Tart, C. (1977). Drug-induced states of consciousness. In B. Wolman et al. (Eds.), Handbook of Parapsychology (pp. 500–525). New York: van Nostrand Reinhold.

Tart, C. (1977). Beyond consensus reality: Psychotherapy, altered states of consciousness, and the cultivation of awareness. In O. L. McCabe (Ed.), Changing Human Behavior: Current Therapies and Future Directions (p. 173–187). New York: Grune & Stratton.

Tart, C. (1979). An emergent-interactionist understanding of human consciousness. In B. Shapin & L. Coly (Eds.), Brain/Mind and Parapsychology (pp. 177–200). New York: Parapsychology Foundation.

Tart, C. (1980). A systems approach to altered states of consciousness. In. J. Davidson & R. Davidson (Eds.), The Psychobiology of Consciousness (pp. 243–269). New York: Plenum.

Tart, C. (1981). Transpersonal realities or neurophysiological illusions? Toward a dualistic theory of consciousness. In R. Valle & R. von Eckartsberg (Eds.), The Metaphors of Consciousness (pp. 199–222). New York: Plenum.

Tart, C. (1983). Initial integrations of some psychedelic understandings into everyday life. In L. Grinspoon & J. Bakalar (Eds.), Psychedelic Reflections (pp. 223–233). New York: Human Sciences Press.

Tart, C. (1986). Consciousness, altered states, and worlds of experience. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 18, 159–170.

Tart, C. (1987). The world simulation process in waking and dreaming: A systems analysis of structure. Journal of Mental Imagery, 11, 145–158.

Tart, C. (1988). From spontaneous event to lucidity: A review of attempts to consciously control nocturnal dreaming. In J. Gackenbach & S. LaBerge (Eds.), Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain: Perspectives on Lucid Dreaming (pp. 67–103). New York: Plenum.

Tart, C. (1989). Hidden shackles: Implicit assumptions that limit freedom of action and inquiry. In Zollschan, G., Schumaker, J. & Walsh, G. (Eds.), Exploring the Paranormal: Perspectives on Belief and Experience (pp. 3–24). Bridport, Dorset England: Prism Press.

Tart, C. (1990). Psi-mediated emergent interactionism and the nature of consciousness. In R. Kunzendorf & A. Sheikh (Eds.), The Psychophysiology of Mental Imagery: Theory, Research and Application (pp. 37–63). Amityville, New York: Baywood.

Tart, C. (1991). Multiple personality, altered states and virtual reality: The world simulation process approach. Dissociation, 3, 222–233.

Tart, C. (1993). Mind embodied: Computer-generated virtual reality as a new, dualistic-interactive model for transpersonal psychology. In K. Rao (Editor), Cultivating Consciousness: Enhancing Human Potential, Wellness and Healing (pp. 123–137). Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.

Tart, C. (1994). The structure and dynamics of waking sleep. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 25(2), 141–168.

Tart, C. (1996). The dynamics of waking sleep. In J. Needleman & G. Baker (Eds.), Gurdjieff: Essays and Reflections on the Man and His Teachings (pp. 116–126). New York: Continuum Publishing.

Tart, C. (1996). Parapsychology and transpersonal psychology. In B. Scotton, A. Chinen & J. Battista (Eds.), Textbook of Transpersonal Psychiatry and Psychology (pp. 186–194). New York: Basic Books.

Tart, C.(1998). Investigating altered states of consciousness on their own terms: A proposal for the creation of state-specific sciences. Ciencia e Cultura: Journal of the Brazilian Association for the Advancement of Science 50(2/3), 103–116.

Tart, C. (1998). Transpersonal psychology and methodologies for a comprehensive science of consciousness. In S. Hameroff, A. Kaszniak & A. Scott (Eds.), Toward A Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates (Pp. 669–675). Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

Tart, C. (2000). Prelude to Investigating altered states of consciousness on their own terms: A proposal for the creation of state-specific sciences. International Journal of Parapsychology, 11(1), 3–5.

Tart, C. (2001). Psychoactive sacramentals: What must be said. In Roberts, T. (Ed.), Psychoactive Sacramentals: Essays on Entheogens and Religion (pp. 47–56). San Francisco: Council on Spiritual Practices.

Tart, C.(2002). Psychedelics on the path: Help or hindrance? In Badiner, A. & Grey, A. (Eds.), Zig Zag Zen (pp. 167–173). San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

Tart, C. (2003). Enlightenment and spiritual growth: Reflections from the bottom up. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 14(1), 19–59.

Tart, C. (2004). On the scientific foundations of Transpersonal Psychology: Contributions from Parapsychology. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 36(1), 66–90.

Tart, C. (2008). Altered states of consciousness and the spiritual traditions: The proposal for the creation of state-specific sciences. In Rao, K. R., Paranjpe, A. C. & Dalal, A. K. (Eds.), Handbook of Indian Psychology (pp. 577–607). New Delhi: Cambridge University Press India.

Troffer, S., & Tart, C. (1964). Experimenter bias in hypnotist performance. Science, 145, 1330–1331.



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