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Utrecht II: Charting the Future of Parapsychology
October 15th through 18th, 2008

Conference Schedule

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008, Afternoon
Parapsychologisch Instituut, Springweg 7, Utrecht
Conference Pre-Registration

Prof. Dr. Hans Gerding of the Instituut Parapsychologisch and Lisette Coly
of the Parapsychology Foundation holding a sign from Utrecht I, 1953
[Photo taken by Drs. Wim Kramer.]
For some more photos from Preregistration click here.
For a PDF of the Conference Program click here.

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Pregistration, Parapsychologisch Instituut
  • Conference and Utrecht General Visitors Information Available
  • Complimentary Coffee & Tea Service
  • Use of the Instituut’s parapsychological library consisting of over 10,000 books and journals with photocopy service available.

  • Thursday, October 16th, 2008
    In de Driehoek
    Willemsplantsoen 1, Utrecht
    Room: Gertrudiskapel

    Gertrudiskapel in the Driehoek
    Lisette Coly during her Opening Comments
    [Photo taken by Emel Sebuktekin.]
    For more photos of the opening session, click here.

    8:30 a.m.: Conference Room Open for Registration
  • Complimentary Coffee and Tea Service

  • 9:20 a.m.: Welcome to Utrecht, Introduction to the Conference, and Housekeeping Announcements
  • Drs. Wim Kramer, Het Johann Borgman Fonds, the Netherlands
    For Drs. Kramer’s powerpoint, click here.

  • 9:30 a.m.: Welcome from the Het Johann Borgmans Fonds
  • H. S. Verbrugh, M.D., President, HJBF, the Netherlands

  • 9:40 a.m.: Parapsychology Foundation Welcome and Opening of the Conference
  • Eileen Coly, President, PF, USA
    For Mrs. Coly’s opening remarks click here.

  • Lisette Coly, Vice President & Executive Director, PF, USA

  • For Ms. Coly’s opening remarks click here

    9:50 a.m.: Introduction of the Moderator, Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton
    Dr. Chris Roe (University of Northampton)
    [Photo taken by Fabio da Silva.]
    For more photos of session one, click here.

    Paper Session One:
    What Do We Know and Where are We Going?
    Measures of Psi

    9:55 a.m. Introduction to Paper Session One
    Moderator Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    10:00 a.m. Consciousness and Psi: Can Consciousness be Real?
    Dr. Roger Nelson, The Global Consciouness Project, USA
    [For Dr. Nelson’s abstract and powerpoint, click here.]

    10:30 a.m. Presentiment Research: Past, Present and Future
    Drs. Eva Lobach, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    [For Drs. Lobach’s abstract click here.]

    11:00 a.m. Complimentary Coffee & Tea Service

    11:30 a.m. Searching for Neuronal Markers of Psi:
    A Summary of Three Studies Measuring Electrophysiology in Distant Participants

    Dr. Thilo Hinterberger, University of Freiburg, Germany
    [For Dr. Hinterberger’s abstract and powerpoint click here.]

    Noon General Discussion of Paper Session One
    Moderated by Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    12:30 p.m. Complimentary Lunch

    Utrecht II Audience Scene Paper Session Two
    [Photo taken by Fabio da Silva.]
    For more photos of Paper Session Two click here.

    Paper Session Two:
    What Do We Know and Where are We Going?
    Expressions of Psi in Life

    1:55 p.m. Introduction to Paper Session Two
    Moderator Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    2:00 p.m. ESP in Dreams
    Dr. Robert Van de Castle, University of Virginia, USA
    [For Dr. Van de Castle’s abstract and powerpoint click here.]

    2:30 p.m. Field Investigations of Hauntings and Poltergeists
    Dr. Fátima R. Machado, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil
    [For Dr. Machado’s abstract and powerpoint click here.]

    3:00 p.m. Complimentary Coffee & Tea Service

    3:30 p.m. Personality Variables in Spontaneous Psi Research: Contextualizing the Boundary Context in its Relationship to Spontaneous Psi Phenomena
    Dr. Christine Simmonds-Moore, Liverpool Hope University, UK
    [For Dr. Simmonds-Moore’s abstract and powerpoint
    click here.]

    4:00 p.m. General Discussion of Paper Session Two
    Moderated by Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    4:30 p.m. to 7:55 p.m. Dinner Break

    Evening Session: First Session of Invited Addresses

    7:55 p.m. Introduction to the First Session of Invited Addresses
    Moderator Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    Dr. Zoltan Vassy
    Read in absentia by Dr. Zóltan Vassy,
    Laboratories for Fundamental Research, Hungary
    [Photo taken by Fabio da Silva.]

    8:00 p.m. Facing the Challenges of Parapsychology
    Dr. Edwin C. May, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, USA

    [For Dr. May’s abstract and Dr. May and Dr.Vassy’s
    powerpoint click here.]

    9:00 p.m. Housekeeping announcements
    Drs. Wim Kramer, Het Johann Borgman Fonds, the Netherlands

    9:10 p.m. Day One Adjourned
    Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    Friday, October 17th, 2008
    Morning Session
    Senaatszaal, University of Utrecht
    Domplein 5, Utrecht

    Wim Kramer of the HJBF and Lisette and Eileen Coly of the Parapsychology Foundation
    Drs. Wim Kramer (HJBF), and Lisette and Eileen Coly (PF)
    [Photo taken by Nancy Zingrone.]
    For more photos from the session in the Senaatszaal click here.

    8:30 a.m. Conference Room Opens

    Wim Kramer at Utrecht II
    Drs. Wim Kramer giving the opening talk
    [Photo taken by Tim Kramer.]

    8:45 a.m. Welcome to the Senaatszaal, the site of Utrecht I held in 1953
    Drs. Wim Kramer, Het Johann Borgman Fonds, the Netherlands
    [For Drs. Kramer’s powerpoint, click here.]

    8:55 a.m. Introduction to the Second Session of Invited Addresses
    Moderator Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    9:00 a.m. Discussing Parapsychology at Utrecht: The First International Conference of Parapsychological Studies
    Dr. Carlos S. Alvarado, Parapsychology Foundation, USA
    [For Dr. Alvarado’s abstract and powerpoint click here.]

    10:00 a.m. Parapsychology in the University Setting
    Dr. Deborah L. Delanoy, University of Northampton, UK
    [For Dr. Delanoy’s abstract and powerpoint click here.]

    11:00 a.m. Complimentary Coffee & Tea Service

    11:30 a.m. Introduction to the Third Session of Invited Addresses
    Moderator Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    11:35 a.m. Towards a Science of Alterations of Consciousness
    Dr. Etzel Cardeña, Lund University, Sweden
    [For Dr. Cardeña’s abtract and powerpoint click here.]

    12:35 p.m. Self-Organised Reality
    Prof. Dr. Brian Josephson, Cambridge University, UK
    [For Prof. Dr. Josephson’s abstract and powerpoint click here.]

    1:35 p.m. Housekeeping announcements
    Drs. Wim Kramer, Het Johann Borgman Fonds, the Netherlands

    1:40 p.m. Day Two Morning Session Adjourned
    Moderator Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    Afternoon Film Session
    Wim Kramer at Utrecht II
    The group gathered in the Driehoek
    to see recently recovered films
    of Gerard Croiset presented
    by Drs. Wim Kramer.
    [Taken from a film by Susan MacWilliam.]

    Friday, October 17th, 2008
    Evening Session
    In de Driehoek
    Willemsplantsoen 1, Utrecht
    Room: Gertrudiskapel

    Dr Giovanni Iannuzzo, Dr Massimo Biondi and Dr Carlos Alvarado at Utrecht II
    Dr. Giovanni Iannuzzo (University of Messina), Dr. Massimo Biondi (Centro Studi Parapsicologici)
    and Dr. Carlos Alvarado (PF), gathering for the Third Paper Session.
    [Photo taken by Nancy Zingrone.]
    For more photos from the Third Paper Session click here.

    6:00 p.m. Conference Room Opens

    Paper Session Three:
    What Do We Know and Where Are We Going?
    Clinical and Medical Connections

    6:55 p.m. Introduction to Session Three
    Moderator Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    7:00 p.m. Clinical Parapsychology: Today’s Implications, Tomorrow’s Applications
    Dr. Martina Belz, University of Bern, Switzerland
    [For Dr. Belz’s abstract and powerpoint click here.]

    7:30 p.m. Spirituality: The Legacy of Parapsychology
    Dr. Harald Walach, University of Northampton, UK.
    [For Dr. Walach’s abstract and powerpoint click here.]

    8:00 p.m. Complimentary Coffee & Tea Service

    8:30 p.m. Distant Healing, Intentionality and Brain Function in Recipients using fMIR Analysis
    Dr. Jeanne Achterberg, Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center, USA
    [For Dr. Achterberg’s abstract and powerpoint click here.]

    9:00 p.m. General Discussion of Paper Session Three
    Moderator Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    9:30 p.m. Housekeeping Announcements
    Drs. Wim Kramer, Het Johann Borgman Fonds, the Netherlands

    9:35 p.m. Day Two Adjourned
    Moderator Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    Saturday, October 18th, 2008
    In de Driehoek
    Willemsplantsoen 1, Utrecht
    Room: Gertrudiskapel

    Utrecht II Meeting Room
    For more photos from Paper Session Four click here.

    8:30 a.m. Conference Room Opens

    Paper Session Four:
    What Do We Know and Where are We Going?
    Theories, Implications, New Directions

    9:25 a.m. Introduction to Paper Session Four
    Moderator Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    9:30 a.m. There is No Mind/Body Problem in Parapsychology
    Dr. Hoyt Edge, Rollins College, USA
    [For Dr.Edge’s abstract and powerpoint click here.]

    10:00 a.m. Empirical Pictures of Time
    Dr. Richard Shoup, Boundary Institute, USA
    For Dr. Shoup’s abstract and powerpoint click here.]

    10:30 a.m. Complimentary Coffee & Tea Service

    11:00 a.m. Physics with an Open Mind
    Dr. York Dobyns, Princeton University, USA
    [For Dr. Dobyn’s abstract and powerpoint click here.]

    11:30 a.m. General Discussion of Paper Session Four

    Moderated by Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

    Noon. Complimentary Lunch

    Moderator’s Summation Session and General Discussion:
    Charting the Future of Parapychology

    2:00 p.m. Introduction to the Final Session
    Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone, Parapsychology Foundation, USA

    2:05 p.m. Moderator’s Summation
    Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK
    [For Dr. Roe’s powerpoint, click here.]

    2:35 p.m. Charting the Future of Parapsychology
    Moderator Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK
    Panel Discussants and Members of the Utrecht II Advisory Committee

  • Dr. Etzel Cardeña, Lund University, Sweden
  • Prof. Dr. Hans Gerding, Parapsychologisch Instituut, the Netherlands
  • Gerd Hövelmann, Hövelmann Communications, Germany
  • Dr. Roger Nelson, The Global Consciousness Project
  • and all others present

  • [For Mr. Hövelmann’s powerpoint click here.]

    3:35 p.m. Complimentary Coffee & Tea Service

    4:00 p.m. General Discussion continued

    Lisette Coly at Utrecht II
    Lisette Coly giving her Closing Comments
    [Photo by Fabio da Silva.]

    5:30 p.m. Closing Remarks and Adjournment
  • Moderator Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK

  • Lisette Coly, Parapsychology Foundation, USA
    To Ms. Coly’s planned closing remarks click here.

    To see the video of Dr. Roe’s closing remarks, the standing ovation for Lisette Coly, and Ms. Coly’s closing remarks click here.

    6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Parapychology Foundation Farewell Reception
    Parapsychologisch Instituut, Springweg 7, Utrecht
    For photos from the Farewell Reception click here.


    The above conference is brought to you by:
    Parapsychology Foundation, New York City, USA
    Het Johan Borgman Fonds, Utrecht, the Netherlands

    Utrecht II Conference Board:
    Lisette Coly, Parapsychology Foundation, USA
    Drs. Wim Kramer, Het Johan Borgman Fonds, the Netherlands

    Utrecht II Conference Bureau:
    Dr. Carlos S. Alvarado, Parapsychology Foundation, USA
    Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone, Parapychology Foundation, USA

    Utrecht II Advisory Committee:
    Eberhard Bauer, Institut für Grenzegebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, Germany
    Prof. Dr. Hans Gerding, Parapsychologisch Instituut, the Netherlands
    Gerd Hövelmann, Hövelmann Communications, Germany
    Dr. Roger Nelson, The Global Consciousness Project, USA

    Utrecht II Moderator:
    Dr. Chris Roe, University of Northampton, UK


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    To go to the Utrecht II Photo Gallery Index click here.

    To go to the Utrecht II Blog (posted December 16th, 2008) click here.



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    Phone (212)-628-1550  |  Fax (212)-628-1559

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